Welcome to the official website of Carlacci Semiconductor International Co., Ltd.

  • Model:UC3845BDR2G
  • Quantity:1000
  • Manufacturer:ON Semiconductor
  • Batch Number:2022+
  • Packaging Type:original

ON Semiconductor

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UC3845BDR2G Datasheet
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UC3845BDR2G Specifications
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Shenzhen Carlacci Semiconductor International Co., Ltd. is a stocking distributor of electronic components.

Founded in 1998, Carlacci Semiconductor International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company") is a specialized electronic component supplier that focuses on the distribution and promotion of various branded electronic components worldwide. These components include optical couplers, bipolar junction transistors, capacitors, resistors, inductors, crystal oscillators, magnetic beads, parallel capacitors, network resistors, and more. They are produced by many well-known manufacturers such as ADI, TI, MAXIM, XILINX, ST, INFINEON, ON, NXP, INTEL, LINEAR, TDK, AVX, MURATA, and others.

Inquiry Needs:

  1. Please place an order after conducting a full inquiry due to the variety of items and price updates.
  2. When making an inquiry, please clearly state the full part number, package, and quantity.
  3. Monthly payment or cash on delivery options are available for manufacturers.
  4. Free shipping is provided for orders over 1,000 yuan (excluding special goods).
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Carlacci Semiconductor International Co., Ltd.

Business hours: 9:00am ~ 18:00pm from Monday to Friday
E-mail: harry@ic-clc.com
Online Service: Click to consult


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